Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

This year we went to Mike's family for Thanksgiving. DeAnn and her family were there too so it was nice to see them since we don't see them that often. The food was wonderful.
Things I love about Thanksgiving:

1. Being with Family
2. Homemade Rolls
3. Chocolate Pie
4.Being able to eat and eat all day long no matter how full you feel .... and everyone being okay with it:)

Olivia was so cute with Grandpa. She liked to share the cards with him.


Thursday night Steph and Jon came and stayed the night with us. I debated whether or not to get up and go shopping. Luckily, they didn't want to go so early. We did go shopping on Friday at about 10 in the morning and it didnt feel like Black Friday to me... Im sure at Wal-mart and Target it might have but we just went to the mall and it really wasn't that bad. It was like any other Saturday. So we were glad. Kasi and Brady stayed with us Friday night. It was so fun having family visiting us. They even made us dinner and it was delicious! Olivia warms up so quick and was such a goofy girl with them:)

Today is Mike's dads birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! So we went over for a birthday lunch and played cards. Its been such a nice, very relaxing weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures of Olivia with Mike's Dad are so precious. I love them.
