Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentines Day Surprise

So we celebrated Valentines Day tonight instead of tomorrow. For the past two Valentines Mike has surprised me with a piece of jewelry. Both have been gorgeous necklaces. Each time he has always put them in the jockey box of his car. So when we were leaving to go eat he told me to check for something in the jockey box, and to my surprise.... there was nothing there. (He thought it was pretty funny) I wasn't expecting him to get me anything this year anyways. So then he told me I had something on my face, so I flipped down the mirror and a necklace fell down hanging from the mirror! He is more romantic than he thinks he is. It was really cute! And for hating Valentines Day as much as he does, he does a great job at spoiling/surprising me on it! I absolutely love the necklace. It was so thoughtful!